Complete a series of tasks by clicking on images in a gallery to win a 12-digit coupon code.
Rule for The Game -:
You have access to a gallery with four images displayed in a single row.
Each image can be clicked only once, and they must be clicked in sequential order (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and then 4th).
When you click on the 1st image, a registration form will appear, prompting you to enter your name, email, and username.
After successfully registering, proceed to click on the 2nd image.
Clicking on the 2nd image will reveal the names and usernames of all registered players.
Now, click on the 3rd image (which shows a dice). Click it a maximum of three times. After three clicks, the game will check if the sum of all three randomly generated values is greater than 10.
If the sum is greater than 10, you'll be allowed to click on the 4th image. If not, you will receive a message: "Try again after scoring more than 10."
When the 4th image is clicked, it will generate a random 12-digit coupon code. The coupon code should be styled accordingly.
If you successfully generate a 12-digit coupon code, you'll be congratulated with a special message or image.
If, on the 3rd image, you fail to achieve a total sum greater than 10 even after three clicks, you'll receive a message: "Bad luck" and won't be given another chance.
All actions within the game must be completed sequentially, and the game can only progress from one step to the next based on successful completion of the previous step.
Enjoy the game and good luck in your quest to unlock the 12-digit coupon code!